Sunday, May 18, 2014



Location: Site 3

Site Plan 

Building Precedents

Golf and Spa Concept Villas BY Zaha Hadid (Dubrovnik Croatia)

New Paracelsus Spa and Pools, HMGB Architects (Salzburg Winning Proposal)

Yoga Deva, Blank Studio (Gilbert,AZ,USA)

(see inside)

Water Front Research Precedent 
(see inside)

Concept Design 
(see inside)

(see inside) 

Hybrid Model Development 


Elevations and Section

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Refurbished 3D Massing


This is my forward progress for the massing building. I took me time to model similar to the original hybrid model that i did my hand, but I think I  got  what i expected. The curved element going above the structure is missing , I am thinking about to incorporate it to my structure later on. I think the next step in work with my landscape in order to connect to site. 

Building Structure Precedent

The following board shows my precedent study for building structure. This building called my attention since the shaped curtain wall approaches to my design . Then I looked how the interior space work , specially the the lobby where the tables are located ,it works successfully connecting the building with the exterior and providing light .

Monday, March 31, 2014

Building Precedent for Design and Structure

This is precedent for my building structure. I chose the Path Terminal by Santiago Calatrava because the structure is kind of similar to what I want to achieve. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Landscape Precedents- Canopies

In order to continue working with my building design and the landscape , I though about canopies , I looked for some example and I found this one , which called my attention the most .The design of structure is very light but strong . I like the function of it which is provide shelter to the pedestrian but also the friendly way it works with the rest of the buildings . 

I like the idea to use these canopies in my building , besides these connect the triangular design concept, these are a great element  to provide shape to the green spaces . The elongated triangles work in harmony with the nature  and  these invites the pedestrians to enjoy the place . 

This are some sketches I developed to 
 show how the concept of  the canopies would work in the site . The colorful canopies are going to be place at the front of the structure , this are going to extend over the green open area towards the river .The second is more an addition to my building structure which will  held the pool , relaxation area  and  the vegetarian lounge and above of it will be  open space for 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Diagrams - Floor Plans and Sections

Diagrams Relevant Spaces 

These are some simple diagrams I have created to illustrate the most relevant spaces in my building , I am still trying to figure out how the partition walls are going to be . I am also still working with my physical hybrid model ,I think this is very util  and it will help me to understand better the distribution of spaces.

 Floor Diagrams 

Section Diagram 
